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Supramolecular Medical Chemistry team
Supramolecular Medical Chemistry team
The Supramolecular Medical Chemistry team (QSM-UV) is made up of 9 team members and 6 collaborator researchers belonging to a Research Institute (Institute of Molecular Science, Supramolecular Chemistry Group), and to three Departments of the University of Valencia: Department of Organic Chemistry, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Group of Applications of yeasts in biocatalysis and other biotechnological processes) and Department of Inorganic Chemistry . A researcher belongs to the Department of Biomedical Organic Chemistry of the Cardenal Herrera University, CEU San Pablo located in Moncada. The choice of the team members has been carefully performed based on accumulated experience, degree of complementarity and multidisciplinary. The project contemplates not only the participation of women in the research team, but also the inclusion of female researchers at all levels of responsibility, from the direction of various research lines of this project, as described below, to the coordination of the project by Dr. Ma Teresa Albelda as co- principal investigator. Gender balance has always prevailed in the composition of QSM-UV, paying special attention to the division of tasks and working conditions within the team and to equality in the recognition of their achievements. The commitment to equality will also be extended to the incorporation of new research staff as indicated in subsequent sections.Copyright © 2023 - All Rights Reserved
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